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December 2018 and Life Update!

Hi all! Its been way too long and Ive been meaning to write for forever but it seems like such a daunting task to fill you in on the last two years of my life… So Im not going to.

Let’s just start about a month and a half ago around Thanksgiving 2018. 

At this point, Ty and I had been living in CT for about a year and a half in our adorable two bedroom condo around the corner from downtown Westerly, RI. I wanted to hate it but Westerly was one of the best moves I’ve ever made. I would get excited to head home and flying back to New England would make me giddy. 

Now Im in California. 


Well, there were many factors but one of them was that winter sucks. It sucks everything out of the both of us. Its such a struggle that everything amazing about the place wasn’t worth it. So we wanted to be somewhere warm were we could be happy all the time. (Also, our roof leaked but thats another long story) 

Ty got a job offer in Florida and it seemed like things were moving in the direction we needed them to (to warmer pastures!). It was terrifying to make the decision to leave my beloved New England but terrifying decisions are what make us grow right?

You may be thinking… Thats still not California…

Anyway, Ty took the job shortly after Thanksgiving and I decided I wanted to go to Brussels and Iceland. tickets were cheap and I needed to visit my cousin before it was too late! I know, not the best timing as we would have to move out of our condo mid-December… But I cant pass up travel deals.

Again, not California? Im getting there!

So, we decided that I should go somewhere were I could save up money for the move to FL. Thats where California comes in. I went back to fill in a position at a place I had previously worked about 4 years ago now. Easy-ish transition for me with friends and family in the area and a familiar work environment. 

So, Its after Thanksgiving break and Im prepping the house for moving by starting to sell our adorable furniture and I was preparing for my solo trip abroad! A week before leaving on my European adventure, Tyler booked his tickets to join me as he had unused PTO that he needed to use! Yay, a travel buddy! 
Adorable furniture
Y’all, we only got one stamp in our passport… depressing. But the trip wasn’t depressing (minus the fact that I got pretty ill from not sleeping for 24 hours…). We had so much fun exploring Brussels with my cousins. We ate Belgium waffles (omg… caramelized sugar… mmmm…) and chocolates, drank sour beer, looked at lace. As well as drank wine and ate delicious home-cooked meals while talking about adventures we’ve had around the world. 
The most amazing waffles in the world
Cause everyone needs a chocolate clog
Exploring Brussels! Grand Place
All the lace
Belgium beer!
In Iceland we only had 48 hours so we needed to stuff a lot in! We did a tour of the golden circle to see hot spots and waterfalls. We ate insanely expensive food and drank the most expensive local beers. We bathed in a natural hot spring, relaxing before almost missing our bus and having to travel back to the states. 
Viking, Icelandic beer
Gollfoss waterfall in the Golden Circle
Blue Lagoon
Once back in the US, we had a week to move out of our home. My dad came to help us and literally cleaned our whole apartment while Ty and I rifled through our stuff deciding what was important enough to lug across the country. Ty’s dad also came to help and it was such a fun, stressful and terribly sad last week. All of our friends wanted to see us so we ate at all of our favorite spots, walked to the local breweries and said goodbye to our favorite bartender. Gosh, just thinking of that little community makes me so nostalgic. It really was a little gem that we found on this gigantic planet…

The good thing about moving before the Holiday break was that Ty was able to spend the full two (eh, one and a half) weeks with me and my family and friends. Then right on NYE, I dropped him off at the airport to start his journey back to Florida. At first I felt so lost without him. He was my sidekick, my other half, my partner in crime (or fun!) and just around for so long. I miss him every day but am so excited for this next part in our lives. Y’all, we are talking about buying property. Thats a whole lot of crazy talk, but Im so excited! 

Im also pretty excited to have some time to be able to re-start my blogging and update you on all of lifes ups and downs. I realize I haven’t really gotten into what exactly Im doing in California, or even what Ty is doing in Florida but I think there will be a lot of time for that. For now, goodnight!


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