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Social Distancing 2020

I have been social distancing and trying to stay at home for about a week now. Its been an adventure for sure. Last week was rough and stressful but this week I settled into my new routine and am enjoying myself. Self care is important and when Im feeling good, I have been attacking some things off of my to-do list. I want to try to do some blogging about my experiences just because its so different.

Im living in Florida now, Tampa Bay area, and while the cases of COVID-19 are not too bad here yet, the state of Florida is in trouble. Our governor isn't locking down and the cases are going up and up throughout the state. 

But enough about politics...

Today I woke up and taught online. I am teaching English through an online company where I am able to teach Chinese students. I am thankful to be able to have that right now as many people are struggling after getting laid-off. (If you're interested in getting involved with this, let me know! I'd love to give you some info and give you my reference code.) 

After my class, I was doing the usual online social media check when I got a group call from the family! It was nice to see everyone, get a quick up-date on everyones lives and see the cutest kiddos on the planet :)

Then it was the morning lazy-hour. Idk why but I can't seem to get myself moving right away in the morning... Tyler and I sat on the couch for a little bit looking at mansions that we cannot afford. 

Then I decided that I needed some yoga time. I downloaded this yoga app called downdog which is pretty good and set up outside. I love this app cause you can create whatever yoga practice you want for the day and the music is baller. I chose a slow flow and got into a great rhythm. By the end of my practice, I was in full sun and super sweaty but it felt so good to feel the heat. Sweating through a workout really energizes me and sets me up for a good day. 

After yoga I walked around the house looking for stuff to do but got sucked into Tys mansion hunt again before I broke off to make us some lunch. We had some hummus and veggie sandwiches with fruit. Did I mention all my yoga practicing has made me crave more healthy foods? 

After lunch I watched an episode of this cool show Ive been watching on Hulu called Utopia Falls about a group of young students who discover music from another life and use it to shape their current civilization. Its pretty good. After my episode I watched a LOT of funny animals videos which I sent to a bunch of friends.

Then I decided that I needed to get moving again so I walked out to the porch where we have all of our plants. Usually I can find a quick project that involves them. I ended up taking care of my pepper plants and re-organizing some other plants so that they got more/less sun as it has shifted since we moved them last. We love plants here. I have too many... and I want more!

So after I did some planting and cleaning, I came back inside and decided it was time to order my composting worms! Now is a good time as any to start that! I also did some other online shopping cause I want to support small business... thats right... lol (I also just want mail!) 

Tonight my plan is to take a shower. I know, big plans. I haven't washed my hair in over a week. Ive just had it in a bun for like 3 days in a row. haha. Im saving water and also don't need to impress anyone so, whatever. Tyler is also making dinner and it smells fantastic. We have been eating better too cause we are able to take the time to cook good meals while we are home! I appreciate a man who can COOK. 

Wonder what Ill get into tomorrow?


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