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Extra Guinea Pig

This morning I did not want to wake up but the animals needed food...

My co-worker, Cassie and I went down to the farm to feed the goats and donkeys, let out the chickens and give some snacks to the animals in the nature center. While we were cleaning, I noticed that one of the guinea pigs was in a different cage. I was in the middle of asking Cassie "Why is the guinea pigs in the other cage?" When I noticed that the two guinea pigs were in their cage... Cassie replied "Thats just an extra cage" But I started counting guinea pigs and in fact, there were three total. I starred at them for a minute until Cassie came to join me and confirmed that there were three total guinea pigs and the last time I checked, we only had two.

After some speculation and metal visuals of a random person dropping off a guinea pig in our nature center, we got a text saying that the extra guinea pig was a school pet that came here on the holidays!

After the feeding frenzy, Cassie and I decided to get some Easter brunch somewhere and we decided on a cheap and easy, Corner Bakery. We got there around noon and they were still serving breakfast but no pancakes, oats or potatoes... so not really breakfast. After about 10 minutes of debate and annoyance to the cashier, I decided on a spring salad which was really delicious.

And after brunch, lunch, I went back home and passed out.

Cassie and I wanted to dye some eggs in the afternoon so after I woke up, I went downstairs only to see that she too had passed out. Perfect time to do some cleaning! Whenever I need to feel productive, I aways exercise and clean. The kitchen looked great after 15 minutes of scrubbing and by the time I was done, Cassie woke up from her nap.

Natural egg dying time. We had bought some red cabbage to use as well as some different teas. The color from the cabbage turned out very bright and colorful but did not seem to transfer into the eggs (we put them in the fridge in hopes that they might dye further) but the brown tea turned out really cool! And for one of the eggs, I tied a bunch of green yarn around it and that gave it a really cool look. 

I don't really celebrate Easter but it is still fun to dye eggs and enjoy little science experiments like this! Hope everyone who celebrates had a Happy Easter!

Red Cabbage dye
Cool Eggs!


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