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Showing posts from December, 2014

Thank my luck that Im typing on my Yoda Mac

So, my parents house got broken into... I walked into the house from my slow morning working out, just wanted to drop some stuff off and head out to lunch with my aunt and cousins but then I noticed my front door wide open. My first thought was, "oh shit, did I leave the front door unlocked??  My dad is going to KILL me!!" But then I saw the TV was gone and the back door was broken into... yup, definitely wasn't my fault. Nothing like this ever happens to me so I was walking in a circle for what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably only 30 seconds before I realized I should call 911 (for my first time ever) and report a break in. Next thing of importance, MY MAC!! It was pure relief when I saw my mac laying on my bed as peaceful as when I left it. Don't nobody take my Yoda Mac. Then I booked it outta the house and waited on the road for the cops. It was weird because they left a lot of things, only taking the TV and some money off my bedside table which was r

So, Its Christmas...

Christmas is a very special holiday for many people and I don't want to take it away from you. For me, its the most annoying day and I want to explain why. I don't like the stress of having to find the perfect gift for people. What if this person gets me something and I have nothing for them in return? And all the money you're spending on something they might not even like? What has this holiday of love and giving really turned into? Greed. I cannot stand the gaudiness that has surrounded the holiday either. Blow-up santas and expensive flashing christmas lights. Can you imagine the cost that some of these houses have over the holidays? The disgusting red and green color scheme and jolly tunes bombarding your eyes and ears everywhere you turn. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year? Yeah right, can you spell s-t-r-e-s-s for the majority of the adult population? The music is supposed to make you feel happy and joyful but its like going on the "its a

Update on My Life

Sorry I haven't been posting! Its been a crazy busy week. I found out last week that I got a job in the USVI and they wanted me down there asap. Unfortunately, I could not afford anything until after the new year. (but thats also good since ill be around my family for xmas and, more importantly, friends for my birthday and NYE!!) So, I start in January! New life, new adventure. Its going to be strange working again. For the past four months, Ive been doing whatever I want, not what someone else wants. Ive been going on my schedule and exploring, doing yoga, hanging out with friends, sleeping in. Its been great. Ive also had a lot of time to get back in shape and eat better. I know, Im so obese. Kidding! Everyone tells me that I don't need to work out and i can eat whatever I want, but its not about losing weight as it is about toning up and being healthy. Ive noticed that my rock climbing has gotten better because Ive been working out. A lot has gotten better, actually. Im

Nickel Poker: Vegas

The whole week in Vegas, my mom and I had been playing nickel poker. We knew exactly where all the "good" nickel poker machines were and I had been playing with my original $2.00 all week... until the last day :( I somehow lost all of my two dollars except for two cents. I have no idea how that happened because I was only playing nickel poker all week, but so be it. I printed my ticket with only two cents and walked away dejected... The rest of the evening, Mom and I spent some time at an Irish pub listening to great Irish music for the evening. After enjoying a Bailies on the rocks for me and a Guinness for her, we decided to leave and try our hand at video poker one last time. So we walk up to our poker machine and laying on the machine I usually play is a ticket for three cents. Not four cents, not two cents, but THREE CENTS. I pick it up, pull out my ticket for two cents and yell "TWO PLUS THREE EQUALS FIVE!!!! YAHHHH!" I can play one more game!!! B

Stop the Zombies, I Need Your Help

Those people who are texting/on their phones and walking... Do you really think thats a good idea?? Ive been known to text and walk a few times but usually I step off to the side to finish a text and then continue to walk. This is something that really bothers me, though. Does it bother you too? Here is what you can do to potentially help stop the walking zombies: If you see someone walking towards you and looking at their phone, change your course and walk right at them. Don't back down, head straight for them and look right past them. Most of the time they  don't see you until that crucial moment when someone needs to move or theres going to be a head-on collision. This is what you want. You want them to look up, see you and have a mini panic attack (the panic is what may change their behavior). Then they will stop, jerk off to the side with a contorted, confused face and you continue to walk straight forward. Then, you must remember to stifle your laughter until you are ou

Titanic: Vegas

Even though I feel horrible, I've been continuing to do things. Yesterday, after eating breakfast, I went to the Titanic exhibit. It was amazing! I have been in love with everything Titanic since an early age (what is it about a sinking death ship that makes people so enthralled?), seeing all the artifacts and hearing the history was fantastic. What I got out of a lot of the stories was that the majority of people aboard that Titanic weren't supposed to be on it anyway. There was a strike that re-routed a lot of passengers who were destined for America on other ships, to the Titanic. What a stroke of shite luck?! Also, with few people in the exhibit, I was able to really experience it. There were rooms that were re-created to look like the Titanic. The first was a hallway that was supposed to be from third class and a door opening to a third class room. Then onto second and first class where there was a re-make of the grand staircase. It took my breath away. And a first cla

Cough, Sneeze, Vegas

I'm in Vegas and I'm sick... Yesterday I was able to go to the Mandalay Bay Aquarium and it was really awesome minus all the dumb people thinking they knew everything (and obviously didn't despite the very informative signs posted everywhere...) Today are the Bodies and Titanic exhibits! Ive been gambling a bit. found a few machines that I like and have been coming out even! (yay nickel poker!!) Although, unfortunately I lost my bet not he Packers last night. I thought they had a two touchdown win against ATL in the bag! Unfortunately, no... but at least they still won! Despite the sickness, at least its warm outside... if there's ever an opportunity to go outside...

Air Pressure: To Vegas!

So, Ive been sick. Trying to deny it. Ive been taking all the supplements you're supposed to take when you're sick, all of them… but its not working! “Take lots of these, I SWEAR by it!” Nope. Saturday, I flew to Vegas and met my mom here. While I was waiting for my flight, I decided to close my eyes and hopefully feel better. While I was sloughing in my chair, I felt a hand on my arm. I opened my eyes to a bright eyed, large, loving, black woman. She smiled and giggled at my wide, questioning eyes and said “just wanted to make sure you didn't miss your flight, hun, saw you sleepin’ there for a bit.” I said “oh, thanks! Im not actually sleeping though, unfortunately…” She laughed again and walked away saying “alright then.” Then, while standing in line to get on my Southwest flight, the woman behind me and I bonded over our unfortunate placement in line, almost the last people on the plane. “Only middle seats are left by the time we get on there…” Oh, the dread

Life Hacks: The Easy Environmentalist

Hey y'all! I wanted to put together a list of things that YOU can do to save money and look after our planet earth. I try to do all of the things and more. After awhile these things become part of your lifestyle and it aint no thang. Good luck! 1) Dishwasher:          So, using a dishwasher is convenient AND can help save water but you gotta do it right. Only run a dishwasher if its full. Put as many dishes in it that you can! This helps to maximize the use of the water. Less dishes means you're wasting a ton of water. If you don't have a dishwasher, no problem. Instead of filling up the sink with soapy water, try just filling up a bowl or soaping the sponge/washcloth instead. Maximum suds and less water. Score! 2) Soap nuts:         These things are AMAZING! I just found out about them and am going to switch over immediately! They are all natural, cheap, three nuts can be used for up to 5 loads, and can be thrown out