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Showing posts from May, 2016

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This past week of work was rough. We had four two day schools and a day school along with a weekend group. So I worked 6 long days this week. The work was always fun (who gets to play outside for their job?) but this kind of turnover and monotony of classes can get a bit tiring. While being one of the more exhausting weeks of work, I can honestly say that I never have a bad day, and even some of my "worst" days here have been my best days at those select few awful jobs Ive had in the past.  After a full day of hauling girl scouts in and out of boats yesterday (only one swimmer, who was ironically the only girl who tried so hard to not get wet, but laughed it off), I had two glasses of wine with my coworkers and then layer in my bed for a good hour, unable to move, before passing out shortly after 8pm. I didnt get out of bed until 7:15 this morning. It wasn't restful sleep because I kept dreaming about moving boats around and who would go in what boat... I woke up a bit

Tag, You're It with PBR

Wow, I haven't posted in awhile. Ive been busy and tired. Busy with my friend Jake visiting and binge watching Game of Thrones with my housemates/co-workers. So, I want to mention some highlights of my friend, Jakes Visit. We spent a lot of time in the city seeing all the touristy things like Independence Hall and the Liberty bell, Art museum and Reading Market. Jakes a great person to travel with cause we like to do a lot of the same things, he's so chill and we don't have to constantly be talking. Just walking down the street, exploring a neighborhood and looking at our surroundings is fun. It rained most of the time that he was here. There were a few days that we got lucky with just some overcast skies. One afternoon after work, we went for a bike ride. First we stopped for some "healthy" fast food/smoothies, then continued to bike to a local park. It turned out to be a perfect evening so we stopped at the playground for some swinging. Theres something so