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Showing posts from June, 2016

Love for Orlando

I just got home from participating in Milwaukee's candlelight vigil for the victims of the Orlando shooting. It was such an emotional, beautiful, heartfelt event put on by the community. Many local sponsors were able to come together at such a short notice to put it together one being Children's Hospital of Wisconsin where my mother works. Milwaukee's Mayor, Tom Barrett gave a wonderful speech on gun control and spreading love, not hate. He received much applause. This event really affected me. As I was reading Facebook posts and watching YouTube news clips, I could not contain my sadness. Every time I remember and think about it, my heart fills with dread. I do not personally know anyone who was affected by this but it has made an impact on this nation. I first learned about what happened Sunday morning while I was participating in one of my family's favorite summertime activities, the Locust Street Beer run! I was dancing and singing, drinking beer in the street w