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Showing posts from December, 2015

Finally Climbing

So here I am, living in the Red River Gorge, some of the best climbing in the world and it being winter and all, I didn't think I'd actually be able to climb. But the weather got pretty nice and with some luck, the guys here were able to take me out TWICE this week! Sunday we did a night climb. It was my first night climb and it was pretty bad ass. It was a long route but not being able to see the ground was pretty interesting. I couldn't see how high I was! At one point on the wall, I turned off my headlamp, let my eyes adjust to the night sky and sat in the beautiful darkness. Darkness has a certain feel to it, its more dense and fresh. It has a texture of deepness and intensity. Being alone at night, hanging from a rock was pretty cool. I watched a plane in the distance move for a little bit before I got back on the wall and finished the 5.9 route. I was pretty impressed with myself that I finished it because: A)  I haven't climbed in a few weeks and climbing stre

Kentucky 101

Im about a week into my Kentucky experience. Im still alive. Im very much in the middle of nowhere. Having Ty here helps SO much. The first week we were staying in a lodge about 20 minutes from the Kentucky Reptile Zoo. It was beautiful there. It was a log cabin style hotel and we mostly had the place to ourselves. There was a full kitchen that we were able to use and breakfast was included. It was so nice to be able to leave the Zoo and go there every night.  Now we are staying in a cabin about 15 minutes from the Zoo. Its inside the Red River Gorge Geological Area, Daniel Boone National Forest, at a place called Red River Gorgeous. Someone who is working with the Reptile Zoo was able to hook us up (one benefit of being here in the off season) so we have a two bedroom, two floor place with a kitchen. Tyler and I like to cook a lot. Because Ive been working, Ty has been doing a lot of the cooking and its great. He makes some pretty delicious food! (pasta last night, tacos tonight)