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Showing posts from April, 2016

Eating Like Crap is Crap

Im trying really hard not to spend money on food as there is so much food here at camp. Its not horrible food but its definitely not the best. So, with me trying not to spend money on food, I haven't been eating the greatest. I don't know if its because of other reasons, but Ive been feeling like shit lately and Im attributing it to lack of nutrients. I dont know how people eat crap all the time and survive. It must be a skill. I was eating alright about two weeks ago but this last week it hasn't been very pretty. Ive been a scavenger and theres been a lot of bread and fake meat and here is how I feel: Im tired ALL the time. No matter how many naps I take or hours I sleep a night, Im always exhausted by mid-day and just want to lay around, sleep and do nothing. Ive also been starting to get weak headaches throughout the day. Or having sore muscles from doing minimal exercise. That also makes me just want to do nothing. My stomach is also crazy. It hurts if I eat som

Shout Out to the Good Places to Work

This post is going to be word vomit that is dedicated to all the places Ive worked that know how its done. All those places that respect their workers and have a great working environment. If I want to start my own company, Im learning from the best! So, its amazing waking up in the morning and not dreading heading to work. I mean, nobody likes waking up in the morning, but Im always excited to see my coworkers and figure out what we are doing for the day. One factor of a good company, you like what you do and look forward to work. Today, I woke up to a phone call from a number I did not know so I let it go to voicemail. When I received the voicemail I listened right away and heard the dining hall supervisor asking for my help today as they were short-staffed. I rolled out of bed and got dressed right away. We all work together for a common cause and when they need my help, Ill be there to help! I got to the dining hall a little early hoping to grab some quick breakfast and tea, bu

The Art of Pushing to the Limits

I think there is something in all of us that makes us want to push our bodies to the limit, if only for a few seconds. To make our heart beat. To feel our muscles working and to sweat. To just GO. Today I woke up with the sun streaming through my windows so I joyfully got out of bed and jumped out the door. As I walked to the dining hall, I came close to a group a deer who were out for their morning snack. I ate my breakfast in the sun, reading a book and listening to the birds. Then I took care of feeding all the animals. Some computer time was necessary but soon I became agitated and the sunlight called me! I decided to do some exploring on my bike, alone so I could go where I wanted and as fast as I wanted. Same as before, I had such a rush as I peddled and felt the warm air on my skin. Once I got onto the trail, I peddled hard. I felt my heart start to beat, I was breathing hard and I smiled. I was going fast. I just felt like pushing, going as fast as I could go. Hearing the t

Put the Smart Phone Down

According to one scientific experiment, people sitting together at the same table had less deep conversations even if their phones were just on the table, not ringing, not being used, but just there. You can guess what happened to the conversations with people actively on their phones and you can probably guess where this is going with people who's phones were not around. Ive noticed in my own life these things. I try to keep my phone away when I am hanging out with another person, unless we are just bumming around. If the other person also has their phone away, Ive noticed its much easier to get into conversations about much deeper topics without the distraction. When someones phone is out, I just assume they're going to pick it up at any given moment and when they are using it, I just stop talking. Whats the point? You dont actually care about what Im saying so I just keep it short and simple. I hate the "oh, Im still listening, keep going". No. As much as I hate

Sunlight and Tires

Sunny days require outside adventures. Today we had a half day at work and the weather was perfect. I was finally able to borrow a bike from work. My two co-workers and I decided to hit the trails. It was great to feel the wind in my hair and hear the crunch of the gravel/road under my tires. Ive missed biking! I peddled hard, picked up speed and then let go of the handlebars. I felt like a child on the first day of summer with a smile on my face. We took the power line trail near our place and went to the library for our first stop. Reading about travel makes me so depressed, but excited that I live in a world that has so much to offer. I was flipping through a Nat Geo Travel edition and really wishing that I would be able to travel to all the places and now! Right now!! I decided to put down the magazine and just soak in some more sunlight that was peering through the large windows into the cozy seating area in the library. Then we ventured back to the trail and stopped at this

Dear Old Friend

Dear old friend, I think about you a lot. As I go about my day I think about how something might make you laugh or say aloud an inside joke that no one understands. I smile as I remember a fond memory. But then I go about my day. At night is when I think about trying to reach out to you again. About what I should have said or what I should say to try to understand why we are no longer close. I come up with scripts in my head about a letter I should write you or a voice mail I should leave, so you know how much I miss you. Sometimes I get angry. Why did this friendship not last forever like I was sure it would? What did I ever do to be treated this way? How could you just leave me alone? Do you even care how I am? I ask myself these questions over and over. I get mad. Then I think. I think that you must not have done this to hurt me; sometimes people just drift apart. That you probably think about me sometimes too. That perhaps, sometimes you smile at an old memory we share. Gut

The Blender Incident

A good blender is like a good friend. When you find one that does all the right things, you never let it go and use it all the time. You can't get enough of it. But when you have a blender thats not so great well, you get immensely annoyed at its shortcomings and don't understand how it can suck so bad. You ignore it and kinda hope it'll go away... I LOVE smoothies. I think of different combos of fruits and veggies that will be the healthiest and most delicious. I could have a smoothie a day and not be sad about it. Y'all know about the Vitamix my parents have. Or you should know. I am obsessed with that thing. That blender is like the bestest of friends. Its perfect in every way and I want to hang out with it every day. That being said, its going to be a long time before I get a Vitamix of my own. Good things come at high costs (when it comes to blenders) and blenders are hard to fit in your carry-on. Anyway, Vitamix = great blender, great smoothies = happy me. Y

The Cake Fairy

Today was a pretty standard weekend here in PA. I dont do much but hope that its nice out so I can go for a walk and explore on my own, but the sun didnt come shining through my window this morning to wake me up. I slept in. After a few hours of lounging around watching youtube videos about history, I asked Cassie if she wanted to explore the town. We decided to take a visit to a local winery/brewery, Stone & Key Cellars, to do some tastings. They had quite the spread of things to taste and we were overwhelmed! Fruit wines and your typical whites and reds, cider and mede! I started out with some of the red fruit wines and Cassie with the white fruits. They were all a bit sweet for me so I moved right into the bold reds. We got four tastings each and shared our tastes but also, the bartender was super cool and gave us more tastings of whatever he wanted! He was talking to us about the local area and what breweries to check out next in our exploration of Pennsylvania. Going to