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Showing posts from July, 2015

Photography Camp

This past week my intern and I taught a Photography Camp and it was AMAZING! The prep for this camp made me so stressed out and it took a lot of time to put together and make happen but it all came together and it ended today with me being a bit sad. Our 6 middle school kids were so cool. They were all a bit weird but mostly introverted (like myself) so when it was time to "chill and draw/hang" they hung out and enjoyed themselves. I had so much fun with them that I looked forward to getting in to work each day and preparing everything for them. They also took some beautiful photos! I dont want to add their photos here but I will add some of mine so you can get an example of some of the things we did. Day one was kind of stressful as we were at a branch that I hadn't been at much before so finding everything and making it all work was rough (but day two it all worked out well). Day one was just figuring out how to use our cameras and we hung out around Washington Pa

Epic Summerfest Night

So My last day at summerfest started with me really not wanting to go. I wanted to see the bands but I was having a lame day, focused on writing a cover letter and being tired. But the fest waits for no one and Sarah was meeting me there! I got to summerfest and noticed that it wasn't too busy like last weekend, plus number one. I walked over to Big Data who were pretty cool. They had some good energy on stage and the music was danceable! Then as I was sitting listening to Big Data, I got completely taken out on my left side.  It was so fast that I didn't even see it coming and then I look in the direction of the impact and notice a smiling brown haired girl. SARAH!! I was so happy to see this crazy lady! And this is why I missed her. First, she made me get my face painted, which I wasn't too upset about cause I love stuff like that. So we had awesome neon, tribal paint on our faces. Then, we are over at the small KNE stage listening to a local band when Sarah suggest